The most potent Method for profound transformation


Deep PEAT is developed by Živorad M. Slavinski.

Deep PEAT is a method of personal and spiritual development.

Deep PEAT integrates deep polarities or opposites in the human being, achieving two purposes simultaneously: it increases our quality of everyday living and accelerates our spiritual development and evolution.


Through Deep PEAT we can touch the points and follow the responses. Each response is like a link in a chain, we can follow the “chain of content” to its beginnings and resolve them there. In the process, you will discover moments when you took on a belief, a value, a choice of action, and an intention.

Deep PEAT clears our problems. Our problems are our reactions or states caused by internal and external events or circumstances.

For example:
• I feel insecurity because I don’t have enough money
• I have a fear of heights
• I feel I’m not good enough
• I feel resistant to working on my goals
• I feel irritated by my back pain

In PEAT Deep Processing you start with a problem, and you uncover deeper and quite different contents in the chain of links leading to the deepest cause of the problem you started with. By making it conscious, the problem disappears.

Our problems consist of suppressed thoughts and emotions which we call “charge”, within ST terminology. Repressed thoughts and emotions are activated automatically and compulsively in different situations and produce undesirable reactions, behaviors, and outcomes. To effectively eliminate a problem, we must identify and neutralize all unconscious contents that are relevant to this problem. Integrating the charge frees herself from compulsive reactions, thoughts, and emotions and achieves at least two benefits: practical (better quality of life) and spiritual (completeness).

With Deep PEAT one can:
• Get quick and easy liberation from any negative state
• Overcome unconscious and compulsive behaviors
• Eliminate inner conflicts and barriers
• Increase his ability to achieve goals and become more functional and efficient
• Optimise all components of his personality in relation to his goal
• Be self-sufficient, without depending on psychotherapists and other practitioners
• Step into the state of Oneness and accelerate his Spiritual development

PEAT successfully treated:
• Traumatic experiences, fears, phobias, depression, grief
• All kinds of emotional problems (shame, guilt, low self-esteem…)
• Business and inferiority problems, lack of creativity, motivation, and self-confidence
• Financial problems and many other difficulties.


Deep PEAT integrates Primordial Polarities, the most charged polarity that exists within us. Primordial Polarities determine our perception, personality, and behavior more than any single element of our unconscious. You can’t solve your most fundamental problem in life until you attain the integration of your Primes.

The Primes encountered are very simple and basic – Power and Helplessness, Good and Bad, Approaching and Retreating, Creating and Destroying, I and Others, Material and Spiritual…

By integrating polarities with the application of the Deep PEAT, we recognize Oneness as our true essence and release our consciousness from the bipolar perception of the self and the world. In other words, we regain completeness and freedom, which is a good way to describe spiritual development.

• It integrates Primordial Polarities
• It integrates high-level polarities
• It integrates polarities that spontaneously appear during the process
• It integrates lots of charge in only one application
• It is deep, efficient, and fast – neutralization of negative experience or trauma can be accomplished in just one treatment
• It is confidential (discussion of the problem is reduced to a minimum)

• There are no prerequisites for Deep PEAT sessions
• In a session we address a specific issue the client wants to handle

Unleash your potential and transform your life.



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