8. July 2024

Therapeutic writing is increasingly recognized as a method for processing emotional challenges, coping with stress, and promoting mental well-being. What is therapeutic writing? Therapeutic writing involves expressive and reflective writing typically done in privacy without expecting response or criticism. It focuses on releasing emotions, understanding thoughts, and finding new perspectives on life situations. Through writing,…

8. July 2024

Terapijsko pisanje predstavlja moćan alat za samorazumevanje, samopomoć i emocionalno osnaživanje. Ova tehnika se sve više koristi kao metoda za obradu emocionalnih izazova, suočavanje sa stresom i promovisanje mentalnog blagostanja. Šta je terapijsko pisanje? Terapijsko pisanje podrazumeva ekspresivno i refleksivno pisanje koje se obično radi u privatnosti i bez očekivanja odgovora ili kritike. Fokusira se…

25. June 2024

My videos and posts are intended for education, providing information, and removing taboos about relationships, life, and psychological topics. They are not meant for self-diagnosis and in no way replace professional treatment. If you recognize that you need help, do not be afraid to seek it. With love, Maja ♥ f I manage to touch…

24. June 2024

Feeling anxious? Discover the powerful combination of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) and Qi Gong to help alleviate anxiety and restore balance. In this video, I guide you through simple yet effective practices that harness the energy within to calm your mind and body. Join me and learn how to release stress, enhance your energy flow,…

23. June 2024

My videos and posts are intended for education, providing information, and removing taboos about relationships, life, and psychological topics. They are not meant for self-diagnosis and in no way replace professional treatment. If you recognize that you need help, do not be afraid to seek it. With love, Maja ♥ If I manage to touch…

22. June 2024

My videos and posts are intended for education, providing information, and removing taboos about relationships, life, and psychological topics. They are not meant for self-diagnosis and in no way replace professional treatment. If you recognize that you need help, do not be afraid to seek it. With love, Maja ♥

21. June 2024

Every day, I share daily reminders from the psychology of life and how to dive into ourselves, healing the most beautiful and delicate layers. Additionally, my videos are not for self-diagnosis and are meant for educational purposes. Enjoy and let me know your thoughts. With love, Maja ♥

18. June 2024

How often do we speed up, thinking that we will live more by doing so? How often do we forget about ourselves and our needs? In this video, I share with you a practice of slowing down that will guide you for the next 21 minutes on a journey to yourself, teaching you that it…