
individual sessions

Mental health leads to a healthy and happy life, both privately and professionally.

When your feelings reach a point where you are ready to seek help, the most important step has already been taken. Because no one has to go through crises alone – not even you. I will show you how you can connect with the things you love, experience a journey into your own depths, waking dreams, and access the source that heals mind-body-soul by revealing your story to you. 


What Does the Work Process Look Like?

The most important relationship you have is with yourself. In a private, safe environment, you have the opportunity to focus on yourself, as the world around us often tends to distract us. It is remarkable to witness what surfaces when we simply sit quietly. Sessions are a place for exploration, questioning, and empowerment. When we discover the story we tell ourselves and why it hurts us, we start unpacking emotions and learning how to collaboratively reframe this narrative, leading to greater self-love, respect, empathy, connection, creativity, and clarity.


Working with a therapist is an investment in yourself, and we often forgo it due to fear of the process. However, the feeling is incredible when you begin to notice and experience the results. I will confess that, in the end, it turns out that the fear of our feelings is often more daunting than the feelings themselves.

When something hurts us, it means it was important to us, but we may not be able to reach the core verbally. Through self-work, we create space to honor what is important while gradually empowering and renewing ourselves. It is a process of integrating all parts of the Self—part in agony with the part that still finds things amusing, or part that never wants to let go, with the part that desperately wants to move forward.


“If we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.“

Viktor Frankl

In the sessions, we carefully track where your feelings and thoughts originate, who you would like to become, and ultimately build a new image of yourself. Our work is usually accompanied by homework between sessions. You will draw, reflect, role-play, laugh, and cry. And above all, you will experience the feeling of being able to give yourself more security, trust, and love.

Healing Depths is intended for people of all ages who want to work on themselves and strengthen their resources to preserve, enhance, or restore their mental health. All you need to do is choose the way that feels most comfortable for you to work with me.

Understand the language of the soul

We will understand ourselves through creative methods that clients particularly enjoy because they activate processes in the brain and engage (waking dreams, writing, symbols, drawing, etc.).

In this way, we directly connect with changes in the brain by executing a specific algorithm step by step. The process involves transformation at the level of neural connections, which will be aesthetically, textually, and/or visually represented on a blank sheet of paper. The greatest value of the multimodal approach for me personally is the ability for self-determination:

• You create your own neural structure.
• You break old connections that limit you in life and actions.
• You consciously form new ones that give you the strength you need and lead you to your goal.

mental illnessdiscomfort

Have you not been feeling well for a while? Suffering in everyday life is a sufficient reason to seek help. Ignoring any type of psychological discomfort only worsens the prognosis and development of any problem over time. Don’t endure it; help is available to you immediately.

context context

There are many circumstances and moments in our lives that simply overwhelm and inundate us. During those times when we are overloaded, it is crucial to have a professional by your side to accompany you in your process. Just seeking help can make a big difference.

personal development personal development

Personal development and psychological help are inseparable. The process is a personal space where you can observe your own boundaries and patterns to learn to relate to yourself in a healthier way. If you want to live more consciously and in accordance with your values, you are in the right place.


Through imaginative processes, you come to solutions and insights about yourself more quickly. In this age of information overload, it is not easy for any of us. This method of working provides you with tools for the sensible use of your personal resources and makes your everyday life easier. You form a clear object in your consciousness, and the actions you take lead you to wholeness. The method of working with symbols introduces you to deeper layers of the psyche, and through the guidance of the therapist, you arrive at new solutions, resources, and alignment of emotions and mind.

What challenges do my clients face?

emotional managementemotional management

Emotions are essential, even though we sometimes do not fully understand them. Learn how to manage them properly, I am at your disposal!


Do you need a personal space or advice on a specific problem? If that’s the case, allow yourself to describe your problem to me in detail via email.


Is a substance, behavior, or person limiting your life? If you want to let it go, focus on what really matters to you, and change your life, do not hesitate to contact me. Letters from a psychologist can be of great importance for the path of change.

grief loss

Grief is a natural process after the loss of a loved one. However, you don’t have to go through it alone, I am here for you.

depression therapy sadness / suffering

Have you been feeling sad and weak for a long time? Do you lack enthusiasm for anything? You don’t have to find a solution on your own, find the help you need here.

anxiety therapy anxiety

If you often feel chest pressure, tachycardia, or have trouble sleeping… you might be suffering from anxiety. Overcome your discomfort here and now.

personal development personal growth

Are you looking for a way to change, find the best version of yourself, be more authentic, etc.? Contact a personal development expert!


If you feel that fear is limiting you in any aspect of your life and not allowing you to move forward, we are talking about a phobia. Request an appointment and stop living in fear!

work problems

work issues

The business world is very complex, stressful, and competitive. Therefore, if you have any difficulties or discomforts, I invite you to contact me.


Rest is essential for proper functioning and for complete mental and physical health. Seek help and learn how to rest through healthy sleep.

vocational orientation professional orientation

What do I want to dedicate my life to? This is very difficult to answer, but with the right tools, you will be able to understand what suits you best.

sex therapysexuality

Sexuality is a vital area for all people. Regardless of the difficulties you experience, allow yourself to live a full and satisfying sexuality.

social skills therapysocial skills

Would you like to connect easily with friends or partners? Learn how and have deeper relationships!


Approach & Goal

Healing Depths is a multimodal authorial concept created based on the integral psychodynamic principle, catathymic-imaginative psychotherapy, energy psychology, family constellations, and many other approaches I have studied. My goal is to present you with multiple perspectives on your problem during sessions (video or email) and provide you with the necessary tools to understand your own mind by learning to manage your psychological discomfort from your own experience. In this way, not only will you address your current issues, but you will also build greater resilience for the future. Successful psychological intervention involves an integral viewpoint. It is crucial to intervene in both surface and deep aspects and to use the space to explore new aspects of yourself. Many people who come to me feel lost and urgently need guidance on how to handle their personal situation. Therefore, it is important to present your problem in as much detail as possible during the session, describe all challenges and uncertainties, and ask me anything you wish.

My goal is to provide you with useful and practical material and guidance on your problem so that you can apply it and return to feeling good as quickly as possible.

When you apply the recommended guidelines in practice, you will gradually feel improvement. The purpose of this phase is to delve deeper into the reasons that led you to your current situation. Questions may arise such as: Has this happened to me before? Should I make changes in my life? What do I want? If you need to delve deeper into the discussion and/or share new content that has emerged, you will receive psychological care from me as soon as possible—simply schedule a new appointment.

Tailored to Your Needs
Online video and/or email sessions fit into your daily life, no matter how busy it is. You can practice them from wherever you want. This is the most practical and cost-effective way. Choose the frequency of contact and let’s begin!

Commitment to You
After the completion of our process, I will contact you with a short email in the 3rd and 6th month for a follow-up check.


You might be a very busy person or prefer to receive specific guidance from a professional in writing; in that case, email is ideal for you. One session includes one email from you in which you describe your problem in as much detail as possible and outline all your challenges, plus one response from me with detailed guidance and suggestions.

Online sessions

Our meetings take place online via video calls. Scheduling is done according to the time zone UTC+01:00 (Berlin, Belgrade)! The online setting requires the following conditions: a private and quiet space for the conversation and a stable internet connection for the video call. The session lasts 60 minutes. You can check the available appointments in the calendar below.

Do you have any additional questions? Contact me.


The first benefit you can gain is a feeling of deep relief. The session space is intimate, personal, and safe, where you can explore all your concerns.

accompaniment  support

No matter where you are in your life, my role as a psychologist is to accompany you in your process and help you resolve the situation you are going through. You don’t have to do it alone!

mental healtheffective

In sessions, you can align all areas of your life. It will help you understand your thoughts, emotions, and behavior; find the right goals and dissolve blocked mechanisms. Negative emotions, self-doubt, past memories, and negative experiences can be turned around and resolved within a few sessions through neuromodulation of personality and working with internal images.

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