
your story

through empowering mental health and achieving overall well-being.

The sooner we meet the most important person in our lives - OURSELVES, the more we will live our truth and ease.

First step

Monthly exclusive classes exploring psychology, somatics, symbols, inner work, therapeutic writing, energy, yoga, QiGong, and spirituality.

Choose a package that suits you—free, monthly, and/or annual with various benefits.

Do you also enjoy reading?

In my books, I share deep and intimate stories with you so that you can discover your own resources and create a more fulfilling, satisfying and authentic life.

Put u središte duše

Roman o porodici, ljubavi, misterijama i dva vremena. Prošlost i budućnost povezane jednom ženom i njenim knjigama. Može li se pobeći od sebe? Pobeđuje li istina?

Otkriće vam Sonja i Mia.

Roman je nastavak romana ,,Maslačak nošen vetrom”



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Maslačak nošen vetrom

Sonja je na putu otkrivanja sebe i svoje ženstvenosti srela muškarca koji će otključati najdublje i najmisterioznije odaje njene duše. Bol, potraga, ljubav, strast, daleke destinacije i odluka koja vodi kroz katarzu oslobođenja neće vas ostaviti na miru dok ne otkrijete u kojim se delovima vi prepoznajete.

*poštarina uključena u cenu

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A šta kad zveri šapuću

Žene kriju najveće odgovore.

Žene pokreću pitanja koja sakrivaju odgovore.

Zbirka kolumni pisanih za Wannabe magazin.


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Jednom kad opet budemo pecali

Kaleidoskop sećanja. Miris ravnice i porodice. Oblak na kom se najlepše sanja i surova realnost koja na kraju otvori karte ljubavi, života u daljini, nacionalizma i onog što pobeđuje.

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Ispričaj mi priču

Zbirka priča kreirana je kroz projekat ,,Ispričaj mi priču” u kom je učestvovalo nekoliko autora.

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Unlock Your Story

I would love for the book "Unlock Your Story" to be accessible to everyone!

The new edition includes self-help guides, an introspection journal, EFT protocols, a collection of meditations, and access to a private podcast with permanent updates! I hope you fall in love with the book the way I did while creating it.

With love,

Your comments

 Letters for you ꩜

Exclusive personal reflections on relationships, mental health, life. Important insights that will help you develop your relational intelligence. 


Every week a new episode

Life stories, modern spirituality and psychology

♡The podcast is for all people who desire a fulfilling life, to uncover their full potential and limitless creativity. Every week, you will discover psychology in simple stories, personal experiences, useful tools, powerful meditations, and exciting interviews with various inspirational figures.


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