24. June 2024

Feeling anxious? Discover the powerful combination of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) and Qi Gong to help alleviate anxiety and restore balance. In this video, I guide you through simple yet effective practices that harness the energy within to calm your mind and body. Join me and learn how to release stress, enhance your energy flow,…

18. June 2024

How often do we speed up, thinking that we will live more by doing so? How often do we forget about ourselves and our needs? In this video, I share with you a practice of slowing down that will guide you for the next 21 minutes on a journey to yourself, teaching you that it…

17. June 2024

In this video, I share with you EFT therapy on how to heal relationships with those individuals with whom you cannot find common ground, path, or have challenges. My videos and posts are intended for education, providing information, and removing taboos about relationships, life, and psychological topics. They are not meant for self-diagnosis and in…